Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2020 V/O Powder Corrosion Inhibitor


MCI-2020 Powder is a water-soluble migratory corrosion inhibitor for the treatment of existing concrete structures. It is designed to migrate through even the densest of structures and seek out embedded steel reinforcing bars.

Category: concrete reinforcement | corrosion protection | exterior finishing...

MasterFormat: Maintenance of Concrete | Concrete Reinforcing | Painting and Coating...

Cortec Corp.
4119 White Bear Parkway
St. Paul, MN 55110
Tel: (800) 426-7832
Fax: (651) 429-1122

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MCI®-2020 V/O Powder Corrosion Inhibitor

MCI-2020 Powder is a water-soluble migratory corrosion inhibitor for the treatment of existing concrete structures. It is designed to migrate through even the densest of structures and seek out embedded steel reinforcing bars. MCI-2020 Powder also protects a multitude of other metals including carbon steel, galvanized steel and aluminum. The unique feature of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI) is that even if not in direct contact with metals, the inhibitor will migrate a considerable distance through concrete to provide protection. MCI-2020 Powder will reduce corrosion of reinforcing metals and extend the service life of the structure. A special version of MCI- 2020 Powder - MCI-2020 V/O Powder is designed for vertical and overhead applications.

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