A-Jacks® Interlocking Concrete Armor Units
A-Jacks concrete armor units are designed to interlock into a flexible, highly permeable matrix. The ability of the A-Jacks system to dissipate energy and resist the erosive forces of flowing water allows it to protect against scour and erosion.
Streambank Stabilization, Scour Protection and Energy DissipationA-Jacks hard armor solutions can be installed either randomly or in a uniform pattern. The voids formed within the A-Jacks matrix provide approximately 40% open space in the uniform placement pattern. These voids provide a habitat for fish and other marine life when applied as a reef, revetment, or soil support system in river applications. In addition, the voids may be backfilled with suitable soils and planted with a variety of vegetation, including grasses, shrubs, and trees above the normal base flow.
A-Jacks provide a cost-effective solution compared to conventional hard armor methods. Field tests and real-world applications confirm A-Jacks provide a flexible, non-eroding barrier. The patented, two-component design allows economical transport and on-site assembly.
Benefits of the A-Jacks System: - Unique design - Provide fast, hand-placed installation.
- Meet guidelines - Adhere to HEC-23 design guidelines.
- Cost-effective - Reduce velocity less expensively than cast-in-place alternatives.
- Prevent undermining of stream toe - Help protect the entire slope to alleviate future issues.
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