Roof Garden - Reduces Stormwater Runoff and Releases Clean Water
Atlantis continues to progressively develop innovative products and systems to convert the concrete jungle into a sustainable Green City.
The use of permeable surfaces allows rainfall to immediately soak into the ground. Rainwater can easily be harvested through underground water carriers and tanks.
The added vegetation in cities reduces the urban impact on global warming, provides a sink for carbon and provides a point source solution for stormwater, reducing and even eliminating contaminated runoff into natural water ways.
Reduces stormwater runoff from roads and releases clean water.
The results are a sustainable integration betweenurbanization and nature, creating a sustainable environment.
Benefits- Produce Oxygen
- Convert CO2 emissions
- Absorb & Transform Sunlight
- Reduce Ambient Temperature
- Reduce the Heat of Buildings
- Create Large Catchment Areas
- Capture and Harvest RainwaterReduce Stormwater Runoff & discharge
- Reduce Energy Costs
- Create Habitat for Wildlife
The Atlantis® Drainage Cell is an ideal structural and lightweight system designed for Planter Box and Roof Garden applications
The Atlantis® Drainage Cell allows optimal growing conditions for vegetation through ideal moisture conditions and aeration. Only excess water is removed and the soil profile retains a high moisture content.
In addition the Atlantis® Drainage Cell features water storage cups used for passive irrigation and due to the structural design of the cell, a void space is created, providing aeration and promoting growth for root systems.
The Atlantis® Drainage Cell will also function as a protective membrane for waterproofing on concrete slabs, walls and provide ventilation for concrete slabs, alleviating heat induced stress and cracking.
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