Architectural Grille - 200 Square Link Perforated Grille


The #200 Square Link Perforated Grille is a contemporary style pattern which was one of the first designs we started making at Architectural Grille.

Category: air terminals | brass grilles | bronze grilles...

MasterFormat: HVAC Air Distribution | Air Outlets and Inlets | Diffusers, Registers, and Grilles

Architectural Grille
42 2nd Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tel: (718) 832-1200
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200 Square Link Perforated Grille

The #200 Square Link Perforated Grille is a contemporary style pattern which was one of the first designs we started making at Architectural Grille. With various open area options benefiting air flow and ventilation applications, this is a popular pattern for renovations and new construction alike.

With a variety of materials and finishes to choose from, this pattern can be fully customized in thickness and size to your architectural needs and engineering requirements.

Pattern Dimensions:
  • 1” pattern - 38% open area
  • 1¼” pattern - 40% open area
  • 1¾” pattern - 49% open area
  • 2¼” pattern - 56% open area

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MaterialPunched Thickness (Min-Max)
Aluminum1/16" - 1/8"Satin, Mirror Polish, Primed, Anodized Colors (Clear, Black, Duranodic: Light, Medium, Dark), Powder Coating Colors
Brass1/16" - 1/8"Satin, Mirror Polish, Statuary (US10B): Light, Medium, Dark
Bronze1/16" - 1/8"Satin, Mirror Polish, Statuary (US10B): Light, Medium, Dark
Stainless Steel1/16" - 14 GASatin, Mirror Polish
Steel1/16" - 1/8"Raw, Primed, Powder Coating Colors