Search Results for Manufacturer-Green-Umbrella

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Manufacturer-Green-Umbrella ... more

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Green Umbrella - SoloCure™ Curing Compound & Densifier
Green Umbrella - SoloCure™ Curing Compound & Densifier
Description: PENETRATING DENSIFICATION & PROTECTIVE CURE Green Umbrella® SoloCure™ is a water-based, membrane-forming curing compound and densifier that...

Green Umbrella - IceStart™ Curing Agent
Green Umbrella - IceStart™ Curing Agent
Description: Start High-Performance Concrete Green Umbrella® IceStart™ is a unique curing agent used to ensure an adequately cured floor and is the first of a...

Green Umbrella - IceStop™ Fixative
Green Umbrella - IceStop™ Fixative
Description: Stop the Damage @EarlyAge Green Umbrella® IceStop™ is applied on the surface as the second part of the Greenlce Cure™ system.

Green Umbrella - IceCap™ Sealer
Green Umbrella - IceCap™ Sealer
Description: Capping the Concrete Green Umbrella® IceCap™ is a durable subsurface nano-finish for exposed architectural concrete floors. Protect...

Green Umbrella - GreenCut® Profiling Agent
Green Umbrella - GreenCut® Profiling Agent
Description: The Foundation of the Profiled Floor Green Umbrella® GreenCut® is a neutral, nano-surface profiling agent that teams with slurry produced during wet...

Green Umbrella - ProfileFil Plus™ Reactive Grout
Green Umbrella - ProfileFil Plus™ Reactive Grout
Description: THE SLAB SAVER Green Umbrella® ProfileFil Plus™ is the latest advancement in reactive grouting technology with GUnanoInside™ for profiled...

Green Umbrella - DryShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Green Umbrella - DryShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Description: FILLING THE VOIDS Green Umbrella® DryShield™ is an environmentally-friendly concrete hardener and densifier. Reaching deep within the subsurface, DryShield creates...

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella - HydroShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Green Umbrella - HydroShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Description: Resisting Water and Filling the Voids Green Umbrella® HydroShield™ is a concrete hardener and densifier. Reaching deep within the subsurface,...

Green Umbrella - QuickRepel™ Densifier
Green Umbrella - QuickRepel™ Densifier
Description: Quick to Install, Quick to Repel GreenUmbrella® QuickRepel™ is an interior or exterior, insoluble hybrid, nano-densifier treatment that provides...

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella - Shield & Enhance™ Hardener
Green Umbrella - Shield & Enhance™ Hardener
Description: RESISTING SALT & TRANSFORMING COLOR Green Umbrella® Shield & Enhance™ is an environmentally formulated premium hardener.

Green Umbrella - Shield & Protect™ Hardener
Green Umbrella - Shield & Protect™ Hardener
Description: RESISTING SALT & WATER Green Umbrella® Shield & Protect™ is an environmentally formulated, premium hardener and concrete surface protectant.

Green Umbrella - Interior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Green Umbrella - Interior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Description: DEVELOPING PROFILE CLARITY Green Umbrella® Interior MicroFilm™ is a R.T.U.™ repairable and impregnating micro-treatment for abrasively...

Green Umbrella - Exterior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Green Umbrella - Exterior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Description: EASY TO APPLY, QUICK TO CURE, SIMPLE TO MAINTAIN Green Umbrella® Exterior MicroFilm™ is designed to seal and protect decorative surfaces with...

Green Umbrella - ColorShield™ Densifier
Green Umbrella - ColorShield™ Densifier
Description: CONCRETE’S MOST VERSATILE TREATMENT Green Umbrella® ColorShield™ is an interior or exterior color densifier that creates a repairable...

Green Umbrella - NanoDye™ Concrete Colorant
Green Umbrella - NanoDye™ Concrete Colorant
Description: DYE THAT IS VERSATILE TO APPLY Green Umbrella® NanoDye™ concrete colorant is an interior, translucent, subsurface, pH-neutral dye that utilizes...

Green Umbrella - ColorFlash™ Concrete Colorant
Green Umbrella - ColorFlash™ Concrete Colorant
Description: COLOR QUICK AS A FLASH Green Umbrella® ColorFlash™ is an interior, subsurface, translucent, pH-neutral, non-acid, solvent-based concrete...

Green Umbrella - GreenClean™ Floor Cleaner
Green Umbrella - GreenClean™ Floor Cleaner
Description: Clean and Clarify Green Umbrella® GreenClean™ is an economical, architectural concrete concentrated surface floor cleaner made for concrete properties...

Green Umbrella - CleanMaintain w/SlipResist™
Green Umbrella - CleanMaintain w/SlipResist™
Description: CLARIFY AND REINFORCE Green Umbrella® CleanMaintain w/SlipResist™ is a necessary treatment for the sustainability of architectural concrete.

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella - GreenClean & Degreaser™
Green Umbrella - GreenClean & Degreaser™
Description: CONCRETE’S SURFACE ASTRINGENT Green Umbrella® GreenClean & Degreaser™ is a concentrated degreaser for architectural concrete floors.

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella - DeepClean w/SlipResist™
Green Umbrella - DeepClean w/SlipResist™
Description: CLARIFY AND CONDITION Green Umbrella® DeepClean w/SlipResist™ is a high-performance architectural concrete subsurface floor cleaner, restorer, clarity...

Green Umbrella - DeepClean & Maintain™
Green Umbrella - DeepClean & Maintain™
Description: CLARIFY AND CONDITION Green Umbrella® DeepClean w/SlipResist™ is a high-performance architectural concrete subsurface floor cleaner, restorer, clarity...

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella