Search Results for Manufacturer-Advance-Lifts,-Inc.

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Manufacturer-Advance-Lifts,-Inc. ... more

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Advance Lifts, Inc. - Ultra High Performance Container Dumper (UHPDP)
Advance Lifts, Inc. - Ultra High Performance Container Dumper (UHPDP)
Description: 5 Year/1,000,000 Cycle Warranty This unique patent pending design offers a programmable load shuffling feature that shakes up the contents of the container being dumped and then continues...

Advance Lifts, Inc. - High Performance Container Dumper (HPDP)
Advance Lifts, Inc. - High Performance Container Dumper (HPDP)
Description: 5 Year/500,000 Cycle Warranty The high performance dumper shares the same patent pending configuration of the Ultra high performance dumper.

Advance Lifts, Inc. - High Reach Container Dumpers (HRDP)
Advance Lifts, Inc. - High Reach Container Dumpers (HRDP)
Description: 10 Year/250,000 Cycle Warranty Our high reach container dumpers have been designed for applications that require lifting a container to a high elevation and then dumping it. They safely...

Advance Lifts, Inc. - Heavy Duty Container Dumpers (HDDP)
Advance Lifts, Inc. - Heavy Duty Container Dumpers (HDDP)
Description: 10 Year/250,000 Cycle Warranty Applications that regularly exceed six (6) cycles per hour and/or more than one (1) shift per day require heavy duty dumpers.

Advance Lifts, Inc. - Standard Container Dumpers (DP)
Advance Lifts, Inc. - Standard Container Dumpers (DP)
Description: 10 Year/250,000 Cycle Warranty These hydraulic dumpers are our most compact design and provide a minimum size footprint. Container dumpers tilt approximately 125 degrees.