Search Results for Category-office furniture

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Category-office furniture ... more

Results per page:

Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - SoundBlox Modular Acoustic Partition
Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - SoundBlox Modular Acoustic Partition
Description: Desk partitions with amazing sound absorption properties. Transform your home office with sound blox partitions and remain more focused and productive!

Humanscale - Ballo Designed by Don Chadwick
Humanscale - Ballo Designed by Don Chadwick
Description: Ballo is designer Don Chadwick’s vision of what a multipurpose stool should be-fun, engaging and perfect for short-term, active sitting in the home or office.

Manufacturer: Humanscale

Category: office furniture | chairs | designer furnishings...

MasterFormat: Furniture | Office Furniture | Seating...

New England Woodcraft Inc. - Classic 2200 Series
New England Woodcraft Inc. - Classic 2200 Series
Description: The Classic 2200 Series, a timeless and easy to maintain design, is our most popular and durable line of Military dorm and quarters furniture.

Impact Security LLC - Switchable Privacy PPS Film
Impact Security LLC - Switchable Privacy PPS Film
Description: DefenseLite PPS and switchable film applications provide on-demand privacy and protection from the spread of germs and disease. The switchable smart film applied to our architectural grade PPS...

Manufacturer: Impact Security LLC

Category: office furniture | 12 50 00 | 125000...

MasterFormat: Furnishings and Accessories | Desk Accessories | Furniture...