Search Results for Category-curved ceilings

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Category-curved ceilings ... more

Results per page:

Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - SOUNDSCAPES Acoustical Canopies: 6260 - Acoustical Ceiling Tile
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - SOUNDSCAPES Acoustical Canopies: 6260 - Acoustical Ceiling Tile
Description: These shapely canopies visually define spaces and provide spot acoustical absorption.

USG - Curvatura™ 3-Dimensional Suspension System
USG - Curvatura™ 3-Dimensional Suspension System
Description: Curved main tee segments, suspension profiles, optional edge trim, and flexible infill panels provide endless possibilities to create beautiful and 3D ceiling system design.

Manufacturer: USG

Luxyclad - Louvres and Battens
Luxyclad - Louvres and Battens
Description: Luxylouvre is a long term product with a multitude of design and utility possibilities with ceilings, fencing, shading, and privacy screens just being a named few. An engineered snap-fit design...

Manufacturer: Luxyclad

Category: curved ceilings | curtain wall panels | interior panels...

MasterFormat: Metal Wall Panels | Other Specialties | Screens and Louvers...

Epic Metals - Archdeck Curved Roof Deck Ceiling Systems
Epic Metals - Archdeck Curved Roof Deck Ceiling Systems
Description: A deep structural steel deck system that curves in the strong direction of the corrugation creates a dramatic and prominent focal point in modern architecture. Archdeck panels are available with...

Manufacturer: Epic Metals

Category: curved ceilings | decking | door canopies...

MasterFormat: Metal Decking | Steel Decking | Roofing and Siding Panels...