Ray Shielding Assemblies - Integrated X

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theIntegrated X section of Sweets... more

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A&L Shielding - Radiation Shielding Glass
A&L Shielding - Radiation Shielding Glass
Description: Our Radiation Shielding Glass is a high quality optical grade lead barium glass with more than 60% heavy metal oxide including at least 55% lead oxide with sizes up to 96”x48”.

Manufacturer: A&L Shielding

Category: glass | glass sheets | glazing sheets...

MasterFormat: Integrated X | Glazing | Glass Glazing...

Walz & Krenzer, Inc. - Outage Equipment Hatches
Walz & Krenzer, Inc. - Outage Equipment Hatches
Description: In order to minimize outage time, look for WK to provide the best engineered, fabricated, and tested safety-related products.