04 01 20.41 - Unit Masonry Stabilization

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theUnit Masonry Stabilization section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

PROSOCO Inc. - Heavy Duty Sock Anchor - Grout-Injection Sock Anchoring System to Repair and Strengthen Masonry
PROSOCO Inc. - Heavy Duty Sock Anchor - Grout-Injection Sock Anchoring System to Repair and Strengthen Masonry
Description: The Heavy Duty Sock Anchor system is a fully engineered technical solution for strengthening masonry and repairing cracked or delaminated stonework.

Manufacturer: PROSOCO Inc.

Category: anchor rods | fasteners | special purpose fasteners...

MasterFormat: Unit Masonry Stabilization | Concrete Accessories | Maintenance of Unit Masonry...

FERO Corporation - FERO Thermal Slotted Stud Tie (Type II)™
FERO Corporation - FERO Thermal Slotted Stud Tie (Type II)™
Description: FERO THERMAL SLOTTED STUD TIE (TYPE II) transfers lateral load from the tie through a plate, which transfers the load to the stud backing. As the plate is directly fastened to the stud, all load...

Manufacturer: FERO Corporation

Category: brick anchors | brick ties | unit masonry stabilization...

MasterFormat: Unit Masonry Stabilization | Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing | Masonry Anchors...