23 07 13 - Duct Insulation

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theDuct Insulation section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - Mass Loaded Vinyl Noise Barrier - (MLV)
Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - Mass Loaded Vinyl Noise Barrier - (MLV)
Description: Mass Loaded Vinyl Sound Barrier Reduces Sound Transmission Contains Noise Improves Communications Improves...

Accurate Perforating - Perforated Metal for Noise Control
Accurate Perforating - Perforated Metal for Noise Control
Description: We specialize in perforating and fabricating acoustical panels to control unwanted sound in public, professional, and technological spaces. One of the primary functions of perforated...

Covertech Fabricating - rFoil 2200 Series Reflective Insulation
Covertech Fabricating - rFoil 2200 Series Reflective Insulation
Description: rFOIL 2200 has proven to be our most versatile insulation product , as our customers report uses well beyond our design expectations. Think roof, attics, walls, and even special...

Unifrax - FyreWrap® DPS (Dryer Protection system)
Unifrax - FyreWrap® DPS (Dryer Protection system)
Description: FyreWrap® DPS is a safe and cost effective means to achieve a 1 hour fire-resistance-rated enclosure for routing dryer ductwork through rated wood truss/joist construction.

Thermaxx Jackets - Smart Jackets
Thermaxx Jackets - Smart Jackets
Description: Smart Jackets are a revolutionary new insulation cover featuring a built-in wireless temperature monitoring system for steam components.