09 63 13 - Brick Flooring

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theBrick Flooring section of Sweets... more

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Metropolitan Ceramics by Ironrock - Royal Thin Brick® - Tumbled Thin Brick
Metropolitan Ceramics by Ironrock - Royal Thin Brick® - Tumbled Thin Brick
Description: Tumbled Thin Brick Royal Thin Brick ® is a decorative unglazed thin brick. The bricks have a classic wire-cut texture. They are tumbled for a...

Manufacturer: Metropolitan Ceramics by Ironrock

Category: 09 60 00 | 096000 | firebrick...

MasterFormat: Brick Flooring | Clay Unit Masonry | Brick Veneer Masonry...

Royal Thin Brick by Ironrock - Royal Thin Brick®
Royal Thin Brick by Ironrock - Royal Thin Brick®
Description: Royal Thin Brick ® is a true extruded kiln-fired thin brick - not concrete or some other material made to look like brick, so it will look good and outperform the competition.

Manufacturer: Royal Thin Brick by Ironrock

Category: 09 60 00 | 096000 | brick flooring...

MasterFormat: Brick Flooring | Clay Unit Masonry | Manufactured Brick Masonry...