Sika Corporation -Silane Siloxane Coating - Sikagard®-701 W


Solvent-free, siloxane emulsion concentrate

Sikagard®-701 W is a solvent-free concentrate of silane modified siloxane emulsion.

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Silane Siloxane Coating - Sikagard®-701 W

Solvent-free, siloxane emulsion concentrate

Sikagard®-701 W is a solvent-free concentrate of silane modified siloxane emulsion. It must be diluted and the diluted liquid solution forms a water and chloride-ion repellent impregnation specifically formulated to seal absorbent cementitious surfaces and other masonry substrates.

Sikagard®-701 W is both an economical and simple-to-use sealer. Because of its unique ability to decrease water and chloride intrusion, Sikagard®-701 W helps reduce the danger of rebar corrosion. Sikagard®-701 W:
  • Meets the standards of acceptability for concrete sealers established in NCHRP Report #244.
  • Enhances concrete integrity.
  • Reduces efflorescence.
  • Improves resistance to frost and de-icing salts (chloride ion).
  • Reduces dirt penetration.
  • Does not act as a vapor barrier.
  • May be applied to alkaline substrates.
  • Will not degrade under UV exposure.


  • When diluted, use Sikagard®-701 W as a colorless, non-vapor-barrier, water and chloride ion-repellent impregnation for absorbent materials.
  • Treat concrete bridges, roadways, runways, parapet walls, precast, beams, columns, curbing, retaining walls, pavers, etc.
  • Treat both new and existing structures.
  • Treat masonry brickwork, stucco, etc.
  • Porous architectural curtain wall panels.
  • Use on steel-reinforced structures to reduce the corrosion and latent damage potential of chlorides.


Sikagard®-701 W is both an economical and simple-to-use sealer. Because of its unique ability to decrease water and chloride intrusion, Sikagard®-701 W helps reduce the danger of rebar corrosion. Sikagard®-701 W:
  • Meets the standards of acceptability for concrete sealers established in NCHRP Report #244.
  • Enhances concrete integrity.
  • Reduces efflorescence.
  • Improves resistance to frost and de-icing salts (chloride ion).
  • Reduces dirt penetration.
  • Does not act as a vapor barrier.
  • May be applied to alkaline substrates.
  • Will not degrade under UV exposure.


5 gal. pail.


white/opaque liquid

Product Details

Product Information

Shelf Life

1 year in original, unopened containers (undiluted).

Storage Conditions

Store dry at 40-95 °F (4-35 °C).

Condition material to 65-75 °F (18-24 °C) before using. Protect from freezing.

Flash Point

212 °F

Solid Content

50 % (silane modified siloxane polymer)

Volatile organic compound (VOC) content

211 g/l
46 g/l as diluted


Approximately 5-20 cps.

Technical Information




100-250 ft²/gal., (diluted concentrate) depending on porosity of substrate.

For proven results against chloride-ion intrusion, 125 ft²/gal. is recommended.

Application Steps


Mix Ratio: 1 gal: 4 gal. tap water yields 5 gals. of sealer.

Dilute Sikagard®-701 W concentrate with tap water in an appropriately sized mixing container. Mix with a low speed (400-600 rpm) drill with Sika paddle or comparable drum mixer until uniformly blended. Make sure paddle is completely covered so as not to entrain air. For best results, Sikagard®-701 W should be remixed if unused 24 hours after blending with water.


Apply by roller, brush (horizontal surfaces), or spray. Any pooling of water repellent indicates overdosing on a dense substrate while rapid absorption indicates a porous substrate. Variations in concentration down to 8:1 for dense substrates or coverage area, and/or multiple wet-on-wet applications for porous substrates may be utilized to achieve optimal substrate treatment. Preliminary site test application is recommended to determine effective coverage and performance. Maximum water repellency is generally realized in 72 hours, but may take longer depending on surface and atmospheric conditions.


Clean all tools and application equipment with clean water immediately after use.
Hardened / cured material can only be mechanically removed.

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Active Content

Active level: 10 %

Solids: 10 %

(ASTM D-5095)

% Non volatiles

Permeability to Water Vapor

Water Vapor Transmission

100 %

Rapid Chloride Permeability

Reduction in Cl ion intrusion


Water Absorption

Water Absoprtion


Reduction in Water Absorption
