Armstrong World Industries, Inc. -TECTUM Wood Fiber Cementitious Ceilings - Direct-Attach: 8180T10


TECTUM Direct-Attach ceiling panels provide durable, sustainable, acoustical options for a wide variety of applications.

Category: ceiling | commercial ceilings | direct-attach ceiling panels...

MasterFormat: Ceilings | Acoustical Ceilings | Acoustical Panel Ceilings...

Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 3001
Lancaster, PA 17604
Tel: (717) 397-0611

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TECTUM Wood Fiber Cementitious Ceilings - Direct-Attach: 8180T10

TECTUM Direct-Attach ceiling panels provide durable, sustainable, acoustical options for a wide variety of applications.

  • Now you can install 1" thick TECTUM on Trusses and I-Beams for added acoustics while maintaining an exposed structure visual on the deck
  • Tectum panels are Living Product Imperative Certified by the International Living Future Institute - 1" panels in White and Natural only
  • Tectum panels are part of the SUSTAIN portfolio and meet the most stringent sustainability compliance standards today - 1" panels in White and Natural only
  • Now, long edges beveled, short edges beveled available as a standard option
  • Great retrofit solution for noise reduction
  • Excellent noise absorption - NRC up to 0.85 (1" panel, C-40 Mounting)
  • Can be field painted up to 6 times without impacting acoustic or fire performance
  • Variety of made-to-order color options available
  • Can be mechanically fastened to a wide variety of surfaces including masonry, drywall, wood, trusses, I-Beams, and more

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Beveled (long side) / Square (short side)47-3/4 in x 96 in x 1 inNo Design0.40 NRC A
0.45 NRC D-20
0.80 NRC C-20
0.85 NRC C-40
NRC Rating A Mounting 0.40
NRC Rating D-20 Mounting 0.45
NRC Rating C-20 Mounting 0.80
NRC Rating C-40 Mounting 0.85
Fire Performance Class A
Light Reflectance 75%
Sag/Humidity Resistance HumiGuard Plus
BioBlock Yes
Durability Impact Resistance
Scratch Resistance
Special Applications Exposed Structure
Physical Data
Material TECTUM Wood Fiber
Texture Coarse
Surface Finish Factory applied latex paint
Shape Rectangle
Weight 1.65 PF2
ASTM Classification Type: XIV, Form: 1, Pattern: F
Installation Method Direct attach