Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope
2425 Olympic Boulevard
Suite 525-East
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Tel: (866) 653-2278
Fax: (310) 264-4703
E-mail: www.oldcastlebe.com/general-questions
Website: http://www.oldcastlebe.com

All-Glass Entrance Systems

Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope entrance systems can employ swinging or sliding doors, as well as stacking or bifold panels. Many variations are available with Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope tempered glass entry doors. They can be used with corner patches only, with continuous rails only, or in combinations of the two. The sketches shown here illustrate some of the many possibilities.

Where should I use them?
  • Malls, Hotels, Office Buildings
  • Interior Store Entrances
  • Airports, Museums, Sports Arenas
  • Glass Door Size Limitations: Doors up to 10' high can be fabricated to your specifications and requirements for your specific application.
  • Edgework: All exposed glass edges will be polished. Flat polish is Oldcastle's standard edgework.
  • Glass Thickness: 3/8", 1/2" or 3/4".
  • Pivot Distance: Typical pivot distance is 2-5/8" from the end of a door or 2-3/4" from the edge of a jamb. Check with the factory for special applications.