Florestone Products
Company, Inc.
2851 Falcon Drive
Madera, CA 93637-9287
Toll-Free: (800) 446-8827
Fax: (559) 661-2070
Web site: http://www.florestone.com
MODELS MSR-2424 / MSR-3624
Molded one-piece construction for
light weight and easy handling. Supplied with Wedge-Lok Seal, Integral
Drain and chrome strainer.
Architects Specifications:
Furnish and install molded Mop Receptor
Model MSR-2424 / MSR-3624 (specify) as manufactured by Florestone Products
Co. Molding will be done under heat and pressure using matched metal dies.
The unit will be one piece with no seams. Shoulders will be no less than
1" wide and 9-1/2" inside. Receptor will have ribbed underbody and integral
drain providing for a no-caulked connection to a 2" or 3" ABS pipe (specify
drain size). Drain grid will be 18-gauge stainless steel, flat type, #430.
Molded mop sinks are supplied with
Wedge-Lok® seal
for use on ABS pipe only.
Approvals & Standards:
I.A.P.M.O. International Association
of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials File No. 2646.
ANSI American National Standards Institute
Specifications Z-124.6.
HUD/FHA National Specifications
ASTM American Society of Testing
and Material E-162-75, E-84, D-635
CSA TEST Warnock Hersey Listed: CAN
/ CSA - B45.0 CAN / CSA - B45.5