Advanced Building Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 98
Springvale, Maine 04083
Tel: (207) 490-2306
Toll-free: (800) 252-2306
Fax: (207) 490-2998

Advanced Mortar Break®
Product Classification: 04082
Sweet's Catalog Code: 04082/Adv
Buyline: 0154

Advanced Mortar Break® Deflection System

Mortar Break®

The complete Mortar Break® system is a popular cost competitive way to insure proper cavity wall drainage. The Mortar Break® system has been tested and exceeds industry standards.


Mortar Break® is a mortar deflection device used in conjunction with standard masonry cavity walls with a 1" to 1-3/4" wide cavity.

Polymer Type:

Nylon 6 containing 2% by weight carbon black for ultraviolet protection.

Note: Any mortar deflection device is only as good as the flashing with which it is installed. The Brick Institute of America states in its technical note #21: "It is suggested that only superior materials be selected for flashing, as its replacement in the event of failure will be exceedingly expensive."

Basic Use

For use at all flashing locations, such as cavity, composite, single wythe and veneer applications (see detail).

The polymer core geomatrix design allows moisture to seep down through any mortar droppings and weep out of the wall through the weep holes.

Mortar Break® used with properly installed flashing and weep holes along with good mortar applying techniques, will ensure the performance of a well-designed masonry wall.


Mortar Break® is a polymer core geomatrix composed of nylon strands woven into a .80" thick mesh. It is resistant to acid and alkali present in fresh mortar mix and is non-absorbent.

Dimension & Weight

Core Weight

21.3 oz/yd2


.80 inches


10.0 inches

Roll Length

50.0 feet

Roll Gross Weight

6.0 lbs.

Size: 10" x 50' - 0" roll or 13" x 50' - 0" roll 


Special sizes available on request.


Install Mortar Break® by placing the strips horizontally at all flashing locations. Place diagonally on top of the flashing to ensure that the mortar droppings are broken up and deflected away from the weep holes (see detail). Mechanical attachment is not required.

Short Form Specs

The weep hole drainage element in the cavity wall shall be Mortar Break® polymer core geomatrix composed of nylon strands woven into a .80" thick mesh, as manufactured by Advanced Building Products, Inc., tel: 800-252-2306. The product shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.

Tensile Properties:

ASTM D5035

Strength at Ultimate:


Roll Direction


Cross Roll Direction




Roll Direction


Cross Roll Direction


Size: 10" x 50' - 0" roll or 13" x 50' - 0" roll

Special sizes available on request.