![]() ![]() Plank & Tile Systems With various edge treatments, Tectum panels are used as the substrate for all Tectum roof deck systems. Tectum roof plank panels have T&G long edges and square ends. Plank is designed to span structural supports. Tectum roof tile systems have rabbeted long edges and either square or T&G ends. Tiles span between structural tees. Tees span between supports. ![]() Tectum I roof deck is typically used in low-slope applications and provides a thermal barrier for field-applied foam plastics. It is compatible with virtually all roof installation materials. Underside exposed joints have attractive beveled edges. LS (long span) panels available with steel channel reinforcement. The Tectum I roof deck system consists of standard Tectum panels in either plank or tile configurations. ![]() The Tectum III roof deck panel is a composite of a 1 1/2" or thicker Tectum I substrate, Dow Styrofoam® brand XPS (extruded polystyrene) insulation 1 1/2" to 8" thick and 7/16" OSB (oriented strand board) sheathing with a slip-resistant surface. Components are bonded with code-listed structural adhesives. Tectum III panels are typically used in sloped applications where insulation and a nailable surface are required. ![]() The Tectum E roof deck panel is a composite of a 1 1/2" or thicker Tectum I substrate, EPS (expanded polystyrene) insulation and 7/16" OSB sheathing with a slip-resistant surface. Components are bonded with code-listed structural adhesives. The EPS core exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-578 Type I and bears the UL classification mark. ![]() The Tectum NS (nailable surface) roof deck panel is a composite of a 1 1/2" or thicker Tectum substrate, 1/2" thick EPS (expanded polystyrene) insulation and 7/16" OSB sheathing with a slip-resistant surface. Components are bonded with code-listed structural adhesives. Tectum NS Panels are typically used in sloped applications where minimal insulation is required, such as outdoor pavilions. Limited Warranty We at Tectum Inc. believe the information and recommendations herein to be accurate and reliable, and the products mentioned herein are fit for the recommended purposes. However, as use conditions are not within its control, Tectum Inc. does not guarantee results from use of such products or other information herein. Tectum Inc. assumes full responsibility for its products and systems when installed and erected by an approved contractor in accordance with the published recommendations at the time of the purchase. No responsibility will be assumed for other applications not referred to in the literature. Liability is limited to a refund of the purchase price or replacement of the material. As governmental regulations and use conditions may change, it is the buyer's responsibility to determine the appropriateness of the seller's products for the buyer's specific end uses. CombustibilityWarning: All foam insulation should be adequately protected. Styrofoam® brand and EPS insulation are combustible and may constitute fire hazards if improperly used or installed. Use only as directed by the specific instructions for these products. Styrofoam® brand and EPS insulation contain a flame-retardant additive to inhibit accidental ignition from small fire sources. During shipping, storage, installation and use, this material should not be exposed to flame or other ignition sources. Limitations – Tectum I, III, E, NS When designing for high-humidity applications such as pools or ice arenas, please contact the Tectum Inc. technical department for assistance and Tectum IIIP use detail. Tectum Inc. P.O. Box 3002 Newark, Ohio 43058-3002 Tel: (740) 345-9691 Toll-Free: (888) 977-9691 Fax: (800) 832-8869 E-mail: info@tectum.com Web site: http://www.tectum.com |