ACO Polymer Products Inc.
12080 Ravenna Road
P. O. Box 245
Chardon, Ohio 44024

Tel:   800-543-4764
Fax: 440-285-7005

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ACO DRAIN - ChemDrain C100

C100 is a 4” trench drain system for chemically aggressive environments. C100 is manufactured from Vinyl ester resin and superior silica aggregate fillers to provide increased chemical resistance. The system has a built in slope of 0.6% and a wide range of corrosion resistant gratings.

C 100 Features
  • 4” Trench drain system offering high chemical resistance
  • Vinyl ester resin offers excellent resistance to aggressive chemicals
  • Silica fillers provide extra chemical resistance
  • Corrosion resistant grates and locking assemblies
  • Unique “QuickLok® ” boltless locking system for grates
  • Modular one meter and half meter trench units
  • 30 one meter (39.37”) long, 0.6% sloped channel units
  • Neutral one meter (39.37”) and half meter (19.69”) channel units in choice of 4 depths
  • Tested to DIN 19580 Class C - 25 ton/56,000 lbs loading

The “QuickLok® ” Advantage
QuickLok is a revolutionary grate locking system designed to improve accessibility to the channels for cleaning and maintenance. The factory-assembled components that make up the QuickLok locking system include a glass nylon stud and the special locking incorporates a spring locking device.

Using QuickLok®
QuickLok components are an integral part of the gratings and only the locking bar must fitted into the channel. The locking bar holds itself into the channel’s locking pockets with tension side grips, which can be released with a flat blade screwdriver. Removal for cleaning access is simple once the first grate is pulled out. A grate lifting tool is offered for easy removal.


  • Containment areas
  • Chemical plants
  • Processing plants
  • Factories
  • Laboratories
  • Wash down areas


A complete C100 system includes 30 sloped one-meter long channels; neutral (non-sloped) channels are also available in one meter and half meter lengths. The neutral channels are inserted at specific locations in the system to extend the system run to desired length. Neutral channels can also be used on their own for a simple single depth system. Vinyl ester catch basins, inlet/outlet caps and bottom PVC outlets, can also be used to complement the C100 system.

Invert Depth
0.6% Sloped Channels
C1 – C30
(1 meter)
4.41” – 11.50”
Neutral Depth Channels
C02, C010, C020, C030
(1 meter)
4.65”, 6.54”, 8.90”, 11.26”
Neutral Depth Channels
C0103, C0203, C0303
19.69” (0.5meter)
6.54”, 8.90”, 11.26”
End Caps
Closing cap C306
4” Outlet caps C108-4,C208-4, C308-4

4” Inlet caps C104-4, C204-4,C304-4

6”Outlet caps C208-6, C306-8

6” Inlet caps C204-6, C304-6

6.54”, 8.90”, 11.26”

6.54”, 8.90”, 11.26”

8.90”, 11.26”

8.90”, 11.26”

In-line Catch Basin


(0.5 meter)
Various 4” & 6” outlets
Catch Basin
Series C600
(0.5 meter)
Various 4”, 6” & 8” outlets

Grating Choices
The ACO DRAIN C100 system is offered with a variety of gratings to accommodate a wide range of applications.

The choice of grating for a particular application depends primarily on the load requirements, aesthetics and user specifics such as ADA compliant, Heelsafe, and Bicycle safe factors.


Polymer Concrete Composition and Chemical Resistance
ACO ChemDrain channels are manufactured from Vinyl ester polymer concrete, consisting of Vinyl ester resin binder with superior silica aggregate fillers.

Surface Performance
The smooth internal surface (Manning’s roughness coefficient is 0.011) encourages improved liquid flow when compared to cement concrete. ACO Drain trench systems allow greater discharge rates to be achieved, or longer lengths of channel to be installed before an outlet is required.

Resistance to Biological Attack
The channels’ smooth impervious internal surface resists bacterial growth. Chemical cleaning and disinfecting can be carried out regularly without danger of deterioration. The use of high concentrations of bleach and caustic solutions should not be used with Polyester polymer concrete.

Resistance to Temperatures
With low moisture absorption (+0.07% by weight) polymer concrete is completely resistant to frost and freeze-thaw cycles. The maximum recommended temperature for permanent contact is 180°F (82°C).

ACO Drain channels can occasionally be steam cleaned or exposed to boiling water, without risk of damage. Where continual exposure to boiling liquids or intensive steam cleaning is likely, an alternative channel material, for example stainless steel, should be considered. For further information contact Aquaduct, Inc. at (800) 662-2377.

Physical Properties
Compressive Strength 14,000 psi
Flexural Strength 4,000 psi
Manning's Roughness Coeffcient 0.011 (av)
Water Absorbtion (by weight) +0.07%

Chemical Resistance
ACO Drain channels are highly resistant to chemical attack and, with the appropriate grating, can be used in most environments where acids and dilute alkalis are likely to be encountered. The material is not affected by road de-icing salts, and conforms to ASTM - B117 Salt Spray Test.

In situations where exposure to aggressive chemicals is likely, Vinyl ester resin based channels should be specified. Refer to the chemical resistance chart, which gives resistance of both standard Polyester and Vinyl ester polymer concrete to various common chemicals.

Important Considerations for Chemical Environments

When reviewing the potential application of a trench drain in a chemical environment, the following issues should be considered.

  1. Type(s) of specific chemical(s).
  2. Concentration percentages.
  3. Contact time with trench material.
  4. Range of temperatures of chemicals flowing into the trench drain system.
  5. The kind of flushing system employed to clear chemicals from the system.
  6. Cleaning agents should also be checked for compatibility with channel materials.
  7. The type of traffic must always be taken into account, to ensure correct load specification.
  8. ACO test blocks can be used to make a final determination for chemical resistance.
  9. Grate, edge rail/frame, outlet and trash bucket materials need to be checked for chemical resistance.
  10. If ACO Drain standard products cannot provide adequate chemical resistance, contact Aquaduct, Inc. for a full custom product solution.

Please call for our Chemical Resistance Chart before making design and specification decisions.