Davis Colors for Architectural Concrete

DAVIS COLORS™ are integral color admixtures that transform ordinary concrete into structures that stand out or pavement that blends in. Made from recycled or reclaimed steel and iron, Davis Colors mix right in, so installation is cleaner and easier than toppings, stains or coatings and they last as long as the concrete for lower maintenance costs for the life of the building. Davis Colors are added to the concrete mix with an exclusive Chameleon™ computer-operated automatic dosing system or with Mix-Ready® disintegrating bags, which disintegrate in the mix leaving no bags to throw away in the environment. Use colored concrete as a replacement for expensive building materials and finishes, or just for its own natural good looks. Davis Colors are a brand of Rockwood Pigments, Inc., the leading U.S. producer of mix-in color additives for portland cement-based concrete paving, concrete products and structures. Davis Colors products are available through Ready Mix suppliers and concrete building material dealers nationwide.


Davis Colors™
Color Additives for Integrally Colored Concrete.


Davis Colors

Toll Free: 800-356-4848
E-mail: info@daviscolors.com
Internet: www.daviscolors.com

East Factory:
7101 Muirkirk Road
Beltsville, MD 20705
301-210-4967 Fax

West Factory:
3700 E. Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90023
323-269-1053 Fax


Davis Colors are made with pure concentrated pigments especially processed for mixing into portland cement concrete. They are lightfast, alkali-resistant, weather-resistant, and formulated to give long-lasting appeal to concrete. Davis Colors give concrete the added design dimension of color.

Basic Use: Use Davis Colors to beautify cast-in-place concrete buildings, structures and pavements. Davis Colors can also be used in precast and tilt-up concrete, concrete masonry units and unit pavers, masonry mortar, shotcrete, plaster, and other concrete products.

Composition: Davis Colors are color admixtures made from metal or mineral oxides either recycled from iron or refined from the earth. Most Davis Colors are made from iron oxide, an inert and environmentally safe material. (Davis Colors 807 and 8084 are concentrated carbon black, treated in a proprietary process for extra tint strength and dispersability. They are economical alternatives where concrete is not air-entrained and is sealed against water damage.)

Davis Colors are manufactured to exact quality control standards to maintain uniformity of color from bag-to-bag and year-to-year. They are mechanically milled to microscopic particle size to obtain high tinting strength.

Limitations: Do not use with admixtures containing calcium chloride. Davis Colors are for mix-in use only; do not sprinkle or dust onto concrete surfaces.


Applicable Standards: Davis Colors meet or exceed the following criteria for the alkali resistance, stability, and lightfastness of pigments and for their compatibility with concrete:

Colors: Davis Colors are available in a wide spectrum of colors.  There are premium colors which are bold and intense, standard hues which add less than a dollar per square foot, and subtle shades for any budget.  In addition, colors can be custom blended to meet special design requirements.


The keys to successful concrete, whether colored or not, include consistency in materials and craftsmanship and careful planning and detailing of the project. Follow industry standards for high quality concrete work and observe the following recommendations.

Concrete Mix Design: Determine pigment number and pigment dosage rate from the Davis color card. Custom shades are made by varying the amount of color added to the mix. Typical dosage rates range from one to five pounds of Davis Colors per 94 pound sack (1 cu. ft.) of cement content. (With metric mix designs, typical dosage rates range from one to five percent of cement content.) Maximum dosage rate of color should not exceed 10% of weight of cement content. Cement content includes portland cement, fly ash, silica fume, lime and other cementitious materials but not aggregate or sand. Use the same pigment-to-cement ratio for each mix design on a job.

For consistent color throughout a job, each component of the concrete should be from a single source, uniform in color, and consistently proportioned. Maintain 5" (130 mm) maximum slump unless otherwise specified. If greater workability is required, use water-reducing or plasticizing admixtures instead of added water. A low water-cement ratio minimizes shrinkage and cracking, maximizes hardness and promotes a richer, darker concrete color. Adding water causes concrete to pale or "wash out". Specify the largest size of coarse aggregate usable to keep water content low. In locations subject to freeze-thaw conditions, specify air content range of 5 to 7% for improved workability and durability. Clean mixer thoroughly before batching colored concrete and after pour to prevent color carry-over.

Davis Colors come in Mix-Ready® bags, which may be used in combination with vinsol resin-type air-entraining agents, water-reducing or plasticizing admixtures, and reinforcing fibers. They are expected to be compatible with other commercially available admixtures but have not been tested with all admixtures and mix designs. Davis Colors are also shipped in bulk liquid form for use in the Chameleon™ automatic dosing system.

The pure pigments in Davis Colors are not blended with the fillers, additives or admixtures used in some other brands of concrete colors. Pre-blended admixtures, sometimes called "color-conditioned" admixtures, add unnecessary expense and could be incompatible with the concrete mix specified for a particular project. Instead of pre-blended admixtures, Davis Colors recommends using admixtures which have a proven performance record with concrete producers near your project location.

Adding Davis Colors: Davis Colors can be easily added to the concrete either at the batch plant or at the job site. Concrete suppliers use Mix-Ready® disintegrating bags or the Chameleon™ bulk handling system to add color to concrete. Mix-Ready® bags are tossed into the mix without opening or pouring. They disintegrate under mixing action, releasing pigments to disperse uniformly, leaving no bags to throw away in the environment. The Chameleon™ is a computer-controlled automatic color dosing system used by Ready Mix operators to improve color accuracy, availability and handling efficiency. Integrally colored concrete can then be placed and finished using techniques and equipment similar to those used with uncolored concrete.

When using the Mix-Ready® bag, read label before adding to the mix. Make sure the pigment number and amount added to mixer matches the batch ticket or mix design.

Standard Method:
1. Batch mixer truck with at least three cubic yards (2.5 m) of concrete.
2. Toss in Mix-Ready® bags and mix at charging speed for at least 5 minutes (7 minutes for pea-gravel mixes).
Alternate Method:
Use if satisfactory results are not obtained with standard method.
1. First, wet mixer drum with approximately 1/2 to 2/3 of total batch water and some of the aggregate.
2. Toss in Mix-Ready® bags and mix at charging speed for one or two minutes to break bags and disperse pigment.
3. Add cement and remaining aggregate and batch water. Continue mixing at charging speed for 5 minutes (7 minutes for pea-gravel mixes).

Notice: In mixes with small aggregate, dry low-slump mixes, or batches with short mixing duration, bags may not completely disintegrate. With sand-blasted or exposed aggregate finishes, use smaller bag sizes (15 lbs. maximum) to reduce possibility that small pieces of bag could be exposed.

Mock-Up: Provide mock-up to establish that proposed materials and construction techniques provide acceptable visual effect. Construct at least one month before start of concrete work to allow concrete to cure before final inspection. Materials used for mock-up should be those proposed for actual construction; retain samples of cement and aggregates used. Use the same placement and finishing techniques that will be used in project.

Mock-up sections of building and structures which typify the most difficult areas to build. Include full allocation of reinforcing steel to be used in project. Erect forming to simulate all formed conditions in project. Include repaired areas to demonstrate the color and texture of patching materials to be used.

While mock-ups are not generally required on paving projects, they should be considered on large or complex projects and to demonstrate special finishes.

Preparation - Flatwork: Subgrade must be uniformly graded, compacted, and dampened. Do not place concrete if subgrade has standing water, hard or soft spots, ice, frost or muddy areas. Add a 2-3 inch (50-75 mm) layer of sand, gravel or crushed stone and compact with vibrating equipment. Grading should be sloped so that water drains away from the slab. If a vapor barrier is used, overlap sheets and tape holes in barrier. Then place a 3 inch (75 mm) layer of granular self-draining compactible fill over barrier to reduce shrinkage cracking. Fill should be uniformly compacted and free of water at time of concrete placement.

Forms should be positioned to achieve uniform slab thickness. American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards for reinforcement and joint placement should be followed to control cracking.

Preparation - Formed Concrete: Comply with ACI 347. Design forms to prevent pillowing and deflection of forms. Avoid porous form materials; steel and high density overlaid plywood forms and plastic form liners are recommended. Lumber forms can affect color of concrete surface through variation in absorption of different portions of the board unless sealed with a non-porous coating.

Specify tight joints; surface blemishes occur when water containing cement is allowed to leak from forms. Seal joints with tape or foam rubber to avoid leakage. Multiple horizontal pours should have tight fitting forms, sealed against previous pours. Rustication strips are recommended at construction joints or between pours.

Use a non-staining, chemically-active release agent to assure forms can be removed without damaging colored concrete. In general, a very thin application of release agent will result in a higher-quality concrete surface and reduce the size and number of bug-holes.

Form ties manufactured from fiberglass rods are available in colors to match Davis Colors. When ground flush with wall, they are rust-proof and virtually invisible, and reduce the need to plug and patch recesses for formwork ties. For additional information, contact RJD Industries, Inc. at 800-344-4753.

Scheduling: Schedule deliveries for consistent mixing times for each load and so trucks arrive just before concrete is required.  Schedule placement and finishing of paving and exterior slabs to minimize exposure to hot sun before curing materials can be applied. Postpone concreting until windy conditions pass. Do not concrete if rain, snow or frost is in forecast.

Placing Concrete: Place in accordance with ACI 301. Protect finished surfaces, landscaping, and adjacent structures from splatters with plastic sheets. Keep concrete temperature consistent. Temperatures between 65° and 85° F (18° to 29° C) will normally produce more uniform color. Prevent segregation of mix ingredients.

Flatwork: Place concrete near its final location and move it with shovels; don't move with vibrators.

Formed Concrete: Deposit concrete in lifts 12" to 18" (300 to 450 mm) thick. Layers should be fairly level so that vibrator does not need to move the concrete laterally. Insert vibrator at about 18" (460 mm) on center depending on concrete mix and vibrator used. Vibrator should penetrate at least 6" (150 mm) into preceding layer. Do not over vibrate.

Form Removal: Remove forms in accordance with ACI 347. Different color hues may be expected between two surfaces where adjacent formwork is stripped at different ages.

Finishing: Textured surfaces produce more uniform looking concrete than smooth troweled or formed surface because the roughness of the surface scatters light reflecting off the concrete. Textured surfaces are also more slip-resistant when wet than smooth troweled floors and paving.

Flatwork: Concrete paving and slabs can be finished with a variety of attractive finishes, including broomed, swirled, troweled, rock salt pocked, exposed aggregate, sandblasted, or pattern stamped. For most finishes, wood bull floats and darbies work better than magnesium tools. Wait for bleed water to disappear before starting floating and troweling. Over-troweling or starting troweling late can lead to burns and dark spots. Do not sprinkle the surface with cement or with Davis Colors or other pigments meant for integral coloring. Do not fog the colored concrete with water or add water to tools or brooms; adding water causes the surface to pale or discolor. For more information see Finishing Concrete Slabs with Color and Texture, Portland Cement Association Publication PA124.


Broomed - Made by pulling special brooms across stiff, freshly floated or troweled surface. For variety, broom texture can be heavy or light, or in straight or wavy lines.

Exposed Aggregate - Aggregate is exposed by "seeding" the fresh concrete with aggregate, or spraying a surface set-retarding compound and then scrubbing off cement "paste" from surface of concrete. If retarders are used, exercise caution and follow manufacturers instructions explicitly.

Mechanically Abraded - Aggregate can also be exposed by removing the surface cement "paste" by using a high-pressure water wash, sand blasting, grinding, or bush-hammering. Exposure level can vary from barely revealing fine aggregate ("brush") or up to 1/3 the diameter of coarse aggregate ("heavy").

Salt Pocked - Rock salt is pressed into the surface after finishing. After 24 hours, the salt is washed away with water and a brush. Remove all traces of salt. Allow surface and pockets to dry before applying curing compound. Finish is not recommended in cold areas where water could collect and freeze in pockets.

Stamped - A powder release agent or plastic sheet is placed on the colored concrete surface after floating. Special stamping tools are pressed into the concrete to create a pattern and then removed. Follow recommendations of stamping tool manufacturer.

Form Liners - Form liners allow endless design possibilities for texture, pattern, and relief. They are available in a wide range of standard patterns as well as custom designs.

Formed Surfaces: Sandblasting, high pressure water jet, bush hammering, and surface retarders can be used to texture the surface and expose the fine or coarse aggregate. Sandblasted finishes can be brush, light, medium or heavy depending on texture desired. For more information see Color and Texture in Architectural Concrete, Portland Cement Association Publication SP021.

Patching Colored Concrete: Fill holes and defects in formed concrete surface within a few days after form removal. This allows patches and surrounding concrete to age together and reduces the possibility of color variations.

Use the same patching materials and techniques that were approved on mock-up. Make patches with materials from the same sources as the concrete. Because the stiff mortar used for patching typically has a lower water/cement ratio than the rest of the concrete, it will normally dry darker. To overcome this, white cement should be added to the mortar mix. Determine mix proportions by trial and error; a good starting mix is 3 parts sand, 1 part gray cement, and 1 part white cement. Add enough color to create the same color/cement mix rate used on the job, but the white cement used to lighten the patch should not be included when figuring the color/cement mix rate for patching. If necessary, add aggregate to mortar mix so patches will have the same texture and appearance as adjacent concrete.

Curing: Uneven curing = uneven drying = uneven color. Use only curing compounds specifically recommended for colored concrete. Davis Colors W-1000 Clear Cure & Seal™ allows the natural appearance of concrete to show. Davis Colors Color Seal II™ covers concrete with a thin colored coating, creating a more uniform appearance. Curing with water, membranes, or non-approved compounds can discolor concrete.

Maintain concrete temperature between 65° and 85° F (18° to 29° C) in most applications during the crucial first days after placing. Dark or black-colored concrete will be exposed to additional heat during sunny conditions and may require extra protection during curing.

Flatwork: Apply curing compound as soon as the surface will not be damaged by the application. If saw cut control joints are required, make cuts before application of curing materials; thoroughly rinse cutting residue off slab to prevent stains.

Formed Surfaces: Apply curing compound if forms are removed before concrete is adequately cured.

Water Repellants: The use of a high quality sealer or water repellant treatment may help preserve the beauty of colored concrete by reducing efflorescence and staining.  Follow manufacturer's instructions for use on colored concrete.

Joint Sealants: Joint sealants used at construction and control joints in concrete are available in colors to match and blend in with concrete colors.

Precautions: Color of cured concrete can vary from color cards or samples due to differences in mix water content; forming, finishing and curing methods; weather conditions; and variations in base color of cement or other concrete materials. As with all natural materials, minor variations in appearance are an accepted feature of concrete, both colored and uncolored.

Observe industry practices for quality concrete. Check a test batch to see if it meets specifications before finalizing mix design. Sample concrete throughout pour to assure it meets specifications.

Efflorescence, a salt deposit that forms a white stain on concrete, can be particularly objectionable on colored concrete. Reduce efflorescence by using a low water-cement ratio, using curing compound, and designing concrete mix for less permeability. Seal concrete against water penetration and leaks. Keep de-icing salts away from paving which is not fully cured. Remove efflorescence as soon as possible. If removal is delayed, deposits convert to calcium carbonate; it can be removed with a dilute acid wash but the removal process will affect the surface appearance.

Davis Colors are not hazardous and are non-toxic if accidentally ingested. Protect against breathing dust and contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash thoroughly after use. See label on bag and Material Safety Data Sheet. Store bags in a dry, cool place away from sources of heat or open flame.

Codes and Standards: Install integrally colored concrete in accordance with applicable building codes, appropriate safety procedures, and good industry practices. Comply with latest editions of the following unless otherwise specified:
- ACI 301 - Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings.
- ACI 302.1 - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction.
- ACI 303 - Guide to Cast-In-Place Architectural Concrete Practice.
- ACI 305 - Hot Weather Concreting.
- ACI 306 - Cold Weather Concreting.
- ACI 306.1 - Specification for Cold Weather Concreting.
- ACI 325.9 - Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements and Bases.
- ACI 347 - Guide to Formwork for Concrete.



Davis Colors can be mixed into concrete and delivered directly to the job site by ready-mix concrete producers. Davis Colors are also available from building material dealers and can be added at the job site. Contact Davis Colors or visit www.daviscolors.com/company/distributors.html for the nearest suppliers.

Packaging: Davis Colors are packed in Mix-Ready® disintegrating bags which can be tossed into concrete mixers without opening or pouring. The bags are clean to handle and there are no empty sacks to litter the job-site. Convenient one, five, and 25-pound Mix-Ready® bags are standard; batch-sized, metric, and specially-sized packages can also be ordered. Davis Colors are also available in bulk SuperSacks and in liquid or granular forms to meet the needs of special concrete manufacturing operations.

Cost: Compared to surface-applied coatings and dust-on colors, Davis Colors are an economical way to color concrete. Integral colors are part of the concrete and eliminate extra costs such as surface preparation, scaffolding, and labor associated with coatings. Because Davis Colors are permanent, the life-cycle costs of maintaining and reapplying surface-applied materials are reduced. Contact Davis Colors or your local Davis Colors dealer for additional pricing information.


Davis Colors warrants that its color additives comply with ASTM C 979, with the exception of 8084 and 807 which may not comply with air entraining requirements.  Since the condition of use and application of our products are beyond our control, Davis Colors makes NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, and expressly disclaims liability for consequential or incidental damages, whether based on warranty or negligence.  Davis Colors does not guarantee the concrete materials, installation, or resulting colored concrete.  If any Davis Colors products are found to be defective, buyer?s sole remedy shall be refund of color purchase price from point of purchase.


Cured concrete may be cleaned using power washing or commercially available cleaning solutions; contact the cleaner manufacturer for instructions. Strong acids can cause discoloration. Test the cleaning method in an inconspicuous location before application and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Paving and Slabs: When desired, Davis Colors' curing compounds can be reapplied periodically to reseal the concrete surface to reduce staining and wear.


A complete concrete color laboratory is available to provide technical assistance and match custom colors. Davis Colors sales representatives are available nationwide.


A CD-ROM is available which contains an extensive library of reference material about colored concrete plus interactive design resources.  Additional product information includes:

Color Cards and Samples
Video Presentation
Material Safety Data Sheets
Guide Specifications

Concrete. What Color Do You Want?™

©November 2001 Davis Colors ®&™ trademarks of Davis Colors.