ACO Polymer Products Inc.
12080 Ravenna Road
P. O. Box 245
Chardon, Ohio 44024

Tel:   800-543-4764
Fax: 440-285-7005

Web site:

ACO DRAIN Problem Solvers


To complement its core range of general purpose, shallow and Vinyl ester trench drains, ACO has developed a specialty range of drainage products for particular applications and problems.

Typical problems to be solved include discreet trench drain to complement brick paving, connection of waterproof membranes to a trench drain, small trench drains, and dealing with rainwater down spouts and outlets into curbs.

Specialty products are made to order.

Brickslot is a discreet, drainage solution for use with brick or stone pavers up to 2.5” (63mm) deep. The 0.44” (11mm) slot blends in with paving joints giving an aesthetic solution.

Specifically for use in suspended slabs where any liquid permeating through the paving is collected and directed into the trench drain. Loading is determined by grate, up to Load Class C. Uses KlassikDrain grates.

A 2” (50mm) internal width system for high profile, aesthetic applications where a barrier is required to separate wet and dry areas. Choice of grate styles and materials.

Cross Sidewalk Drain
Cross sidewalk systems are designed to carry discharge from rainwater down pipes safely and discreetly across the sidewalk to the curb. Type 6 and Roll curb profile are available.