Search Results for Manufacturer-HanStone-Quartz

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Manufacturer-HanStone-Quartz ... more

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HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - STRATO - CA701
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - STRATO - CA701
Description: A contemporary classic. Crisp white marble with feathery contrasting amber and gold veining, Strato brings to life soft movement with a glossy sheen. Color Range:...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - TRANQUILITY - RU613
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - TRANQUILITY - RU613
Description: A distinctly modern classic beauty. A purest crisp white marble with a feathery contrasting charcoal vein, Tranquility voices a timeless classic Tuscan appeal. Color Range:...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - BRAVA MARFIL - RU706
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - BRAVA MARFIL - RU706
Description: Brava Marfil’s warm taupe background and rich brown marbling create an understated decadence that’s timeless and distinctive. Color Range: White |...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - CLASSIC STATUE - RU702
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - CLASSIC STATUE - RU702
Description: Subtle wispy veining is complemented by distinct contrasting darker-veined undertones within a stone white background and high-gloss sheen. Color Range: White...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - CAMPINA - LO711
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - CAMPINA - LO711
Description: Campina’s rich, natural earthiness and soft marbled ivory layers are beautifully balanced for a sophisticated, timeless appeal. Color Range: White | Cool...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - ITALIAN WAVES - RU701
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - ITALIAN WAVES - RU701
Description: Tuscan and classic. Proudly infused with rich grey veining, Italian Waves displays gorgeous movement with a glossy sheen. Color Range: White | Grey | Cool...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - EMPRESS - LO713
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - EMPRESS - LO713
Description: Light colored veining and soft movement anchored by a dusty neutral grey with cool undertones, Empress delivers a gentle, relaxed richness that’s universally...

HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - SERENITY - MV624
HanStone Quartz - Cascina Collection - SERENITY - MV624
Description: Warm layered tones partnered with graceful wisps of umber and sienna, Serenity infuses classic old world charm with Tuscan antiquity. Color Range: Brown | Warm...