Search Results for Manufacturer-Cortec-Corp.

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Manufacturer-Cortec-Corp. ... more

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Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2000 Liquid Concrete Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2000 Liquid Concrete Admixture
Description: MCI-2000 is a liquid concrete admixture; utilizing Migratory Corrosion Inhibitor technology, it protects steel reinforcing, carbon steel, galvanized steel and other metals embedded in concrete.

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2005 Liquid Concrete Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2005 Liquid Concrete Admixture
Description: MCI-2005 is a water-based, organic, corrosion inhibiting admixture for the protection of metallic reinforcement in concrete structures. When incorporated into concrete, MCI-2005 migrates...

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2005 AL Liquid Concrete Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2005 AL Liquid Concrete Admixture
Description: MCI-2005 AL is a liquid concrete admixture that protects steel reinforcing, carbon steel, galvanized steel and other metals embedded in concrete from corrosion induced by carbonation, chloride...

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2005 NS Liquid Concrete Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2005 NS Liquid Concrete Admixture
Description: MCI-2005 NS (normal set) is a liquid concrete admixture that protects steel reinforcing, carbon steel, galvanized steel and other metals embedded in concrete from corrosion induced by...

Cortec Corp. - MCI® Grenade™ / Metric MCI® Grenade™ Powder Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI® Grenade™ / Metric MCI® Grenade™ Powder Admixture
Description: MCI Grenades consist of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI) packaged in water-soluble PVA bags. MCI Grenades are very convenient to use and come in two sizes for easy dosing.

Cortec Corp. - MCI® Mini-Grenades Powder Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI® Mini-Grenades Powder Admixture
Description: Mini MCI Grenades consist of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI) packaged in water-soluble PVA bags. Mini MCI Grenades are very convenient to use. Mini MCI Grenades are ideal for repair...

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2006 Powder Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2006 Powder Admixture
Description: MCI-2006 is a powder concrete admixture that protects steel reinforcing, carbon steel, galvanized steel and other metals embedded in concrete from corrosion induced by carbonation, chloride and...

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2006 NS Powder Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2006 NS Powder Admixture
Description: MCI-2006 NS (normal set) is a powder concrete admixture that protects steel reinforcing, carbon steel, galvanized steel and other metals embedded in concrete from corrosion induced by...

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2012 Powder Admixture
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2012 Powder Admixture
Description: MCI-2012 IntegraPel is a concrete waterproofing admixture designed for protection of steel reinforcement in concrete structures.

Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2044 Self-Consolidating Concrete Mix
Cortec Corp. - MCI®-2044 Self-Consolidating Concrete Mix
Description: Description: MCI®-2044 is a single-component, preblended polymer-modified dry concrete mix. In addition to containing aggregate and silica fume, it is enhanced with...