32 93 00 - Plants

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in thePlants section of Sweets... more

56 Manufacturers
Results per page:

Planters Unlimited
Planters Unlimited

We manufacture commercial & large outdoor planters in fiberglass, composite PVC, wood, and more, suitable for interior or exterior applications. We offer companion products like hanging baskets, brackets, water reservoirs, liner inserts, and a vast selection of artificial trees, plants, and foliage.

Triton Environmental
Triton Environmental

Triton Environmental is dedicated to providing educated solutions for your environmental concerns. We are your one stop, full-service distributor for all erosion/sediment control, fertilizer, amendment, geotextile, geogrid and containment needs.

Atlantis Corporation
Atlantis Corporation

Since 1986 Atlantis have introduced innovative products that created industry standards in the landscape and stormwater sectors worldwide. Atlantis is the inventor of the Atlantis drainage cell and flat pack modular tanks that are in use in over 50 countries.