32 91 13 - Soil Preparation

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theSoil Preparation section of Sweets... more

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Plasti-Fab - GeoSpec® Lightweight Fill
Plasti-Fab - GeoSpec® Lightweight Fill
Description: GeoSpec® lightweight fill material is expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam used in ground fill applications where a lightweight fill material is required to reduce stresses on underlying or...

Triton Environmental - Soil Amendments - Biotic Soil Amendments (BSA’s)
Triton Environmental - Soil Amendments - Biotic Soil Amendments (BSA’s)
Description: Biotic Soil Amendments, BSA’s, have become a cost effective way to successfully re-vegetate sites with poor soils.

Manufacturer: Triton Environmental

Category: biotic soil amendments | landscaping | planting preparation...

MasterFormat: Soil Preparation | Planting | Planting Preparation

Insulfoam - GeoFoam Structural Insulation
Insulfoam - GeoFoam Structural Insulation
Description: InsulFoam® GF (EPS Geofoam) is a lightweight, geo-synthetic fill material used as an alternative to various fill-materials, as a soil stabilizer, and in various engineered applications.